等等 //自由我们真的是自由的吗//I must make my decision, Bob must make his, you yours. And bear what we must. Hold and carry what we must. What I carry within me, you must allow me to do it. Alone, as I must. And you alone, Mary, you alone may lighten the burden. Or render it intolerable. As you choose. //前面大段大段台词、一串串的人名、飞快的语速表示很难懂后面还好些笑点很多泪点不少辩论和投票的场面张力十足//民主制度肯定不是完美的少不了收买、劝说、妥协、各种政治手段可是看到政客们彼此的嘲讽、调侃、追问、挖苦恨到牙齿也要容忍对方的存在双面胶 电视剧还能不忘幽默看到向投降的南方将领脱帽致敬我想民主意味着文明//超越